April 30, 2019

Kyo Odori 2019

For those who do not know, every Hanamachi (geiko district) in Kyoto has several main annual dance performances - one takes place in spring and one in autumn. Most famous of all is possibly the Miyako odori and Onshukai, performed by Maiko and Geiko from Gion Kobu Hanamachi but I insist that every odori of any hanamachi is worth witnessing.
In SL, Miyagawacho Hanamachi of Kyoto Kagai sim continues the RL tradition by holding two annual public odori (apart from other smaller odori): Kyo odori in April and Mizuekai in October. The creators, writers and designers are members of Hanafusa okiya with Okaasan Kikuyu as director of the odori. To bring this 1.5 hour performance takes several months of preparations and rehearsals - all to provide the audience with the highest level of hospitality. Every move of the fan, every poem, every story - all this comes sincerely from the hearts of the performers and we hope that all our guest get to feel it.

Now, lets look closely at this years Kyo odori (every year the theme and acts change so previous odori and the odori that will come in future years will be different):
Peformers: Geiko Kikutsuru (performer), Maiko Kikumaru (performer), Maiko Kikune (performer), Maiko Kikushino (performer). OKaasan Geiko Kikuyu opened the odori and tea ceremony with opening words.
Tea Ceremony, performed at Kyo Odori 2019
Tea ceremony: As part of the Kyo Odori, formal tea ceremony is performed for the guests and patrons. This year it is very special as Maiko Kikumaru was otemae - the host who performs the tea ceremony. Before the start of the ceremony Okaasan Geiko Kikuyu informed guests and patrons that Maiko Kikumaru is soon to have her erikae which also meant that this odori was last for her as Maiko. Last year the same was done by her oneesan Geiko Kikutsuru - she too performed as otemae right before becoming Geiko. The role of ohikae, assistant at the tea ceremony who helps serve tea and sweets, was performed by two maiko from Hanafusa okiya - Maiko Kikune and Maiko Kikushino.
Act 1: "Ode to Spring"
from left to right: Maiko Kikushino, Geiko Kikutsuru, Maiko Kikumaru, Maiko Kikune
Gentle metals of cherry trees fall down, covering the ground in a carpet of pink and white. Cherry blossoms bloom shortly, reminding us of Zen - "nothing lasts forever", yet beauty keeps returning and soon this carpet of pink and white will be exchanged for the wisteria and iris
Act 2: "Odori no Natsu"

from left to right: Maiko Kikushino, Geiko Kikutsuru, Maiko Kikumaru, Maiko Kikune
Summer has come to Kyoto, the butterflies are whispering secrets as their colorful wings flutter past, Geiko and Maiko are dancing at the Yasaka Jinja in their white odori kimonos. Their uchiwa and feet are dancing to the tunes "Konchiki, konchiki"
Act 3: "Odori no Aki"
from left to right: Maiko Kikushino(young lady), Maiko Kikune(bride), Geiko Kikutsuru(as maiko)
and Maiko Kikumaru(as Geiko)
Fall is beautiful, it colors the world in yellow, orange and red palate. We are getting the intimate thoughts of a Geiko in this act, her memories of her maiko days yet now times are difficult, will she decide to leave her profession and get married?
Act 4: "Ode to the Karyukai"
from left to right: Maiko Kikushino, Maiko Kikumaru, Geiko Kikutsuru and Maiko Kikune
Geiko and Maiko have dressed themselves in the formal black for this act. Going through thoughts of a maiko in her final time prior to becoming a geiko...So many thoughts, will she vow like her sisters before her and become the newest Geiko of the Karyukai?
Act 5: "Odori no Fuyu"
from left to right: Maiko Kikushino, Geiko Kikutsuru, Maiko Kikumaru, Maiko Kikune
Snowcrystals have covered the grounds of Kyoto and "old Machiya windows display an art form of frost". Geiko and Maiko of Miyagawacho Hanamachi warm the season with their dance as their fans flutter with their movements, their kimonos spread crystal-like chimes, as they welcome you to partake in a dance honoring snowfall. 
Act 6: "Miyagawa Ondo"
from left to right: Maiko Kikushino, Geiko Kikutsuru, Maiko Kikumaru, Maiko Kikune

Miyagawa ondo is a traditional ending of Kyo odori. Maiko in their bright spring costumes welcome spring in front of the miyagawacho Kaburenjo theater.

Memebrs of Hanafusa okiya would like to thank our guests, patrons and friends for coming to our Kyo odori 2019. We hope that you have enjoyed our performance as much as we did and we hope to see you next year.

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