The Gion Kouta Festival is a beloved event that honors the iconic Gion Kouta song, a symbol of Gion's rich cultural heritage. During the festival, Maiko and Geiko place flowers in front of the Gion Kouta monument to pay tribute to this song, which holds great significance for both the district and its performers.
This year, Maiko Kikuyae and Maiko Kikushino took part in the celebration, accompanied by two Shikomi-san from Hanafusa Okiya. Maiko Kikushino wore a formal 5-crest kuromontsuki kimono and had her hair styled in the sakkou fashion, signaling that she is nearing her Geiko debut—a milestone that will soon be celebrated.
Following the ceremony, an Ozashiki was held at Ichirikitei Tea House, where guests gathered to continue the celebration in a more intimate setting. The Gion Kouta Festival is a beautiful reminder of Gion's history, the traditions of Maiko and Geiko, and the legacy that continues to be passed down
Maiko Kikuyae, Maiko Kikushino and Okaasan Geiko Kikutsuru posing in front of the Gion Kouta monument |
Maiko Kikuyae and Maiko Kikushino performing Geion Kouta at Ichiriki tea house on Kyoto Kagai sim |
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