January 29, 2022

January kitsuke

 After Shigyoshiki and Hatsuyori celebrations took place in the Karyukai, it is time to get back to semi-formal hikizuri and hairstyles. All antique hairpins, expensive obi and luxurious kuromontsuki  are hidden as okiya's precious belongings till special event occurs. Now let's have a look at the kitsuke worn in January by members of Hanafusa okiya

Geiko Kikutsuru

Geiko Kikutsuru has chosen beautiful kimono of marsala color and shibori bamboo design at the bottom. Bamboo itself is often associated with winter and symbolizes longevity while shibori is a Japanese tie-dying technique: artist uses a variety of techniques in different shapes to make different patterns.

It is tied with elegant green obi with geometrical motif.

Sometimes geiko can wear warm fur shawls during winter, especially on the colder days.

 Her juban is pink and features plum blossoms. Geiko also use red juban but mostly for the formal events where they wear kuromontsuki.

She is wearing a wig, styled in Geiko Shimada style also known as Chuu Taka Shimada. It is decorated with carefully chosen seasonal maezashi pin featuring ume (plum) blossom. 

Geiko Kikumaru

In January Kikumaru san will wear bright eye-catching shibori kimono with kiku (chrysanthemums), matsu (pine), fans and gumo (clouds). Pine is associated with New Year and winter itself and symbolizes longevity, steadfastness and wisdom in age. The stripe obi holds the kimono close and is tied at the back in a Taiko ("drum") knot.

Her juban is light pink and features plum blossoms.

Both Kikutsuru san, Kikumaru san and Kikune san wear wigs.
This is quite liberating as geiko can sleep on regular pillows as well as wearing western clothes. Maiko can do that too but no when having their hair styled in Ofuku or Wareshinobu.

Both Geiko Kikutsuru, Kikumaru and Kikune are holding kago baskets made from chirimen silk. In these small "bags" Geiko and Maiko have everything they might need during ozashiki - Maioughi (dance fan), spare pair of tabi socks, special comb in case maiko san need to adjust her hair, maiko lipstick, white powder and, of course, meishi (business cards).

Geiko Kikune

For his month, Geiko Kikune has chosen to wear gradient pink kimono with spring motif: ume blossoms, pine, bamboo leaves, sakura petals. It is tied with elegant green obi that has a geometrical motif and is similar to the one worn by her oneesan, Geiko Kikutsuru.

Her juban is pink and features blossom pattern. 

The eri(collar) is white, and is symbolizes of pureness, femininity and maturity.

On her feet you can spot standard type of geta, worn by geiko and geisha - senryou geta. However, you can also see geiko san wearing yuki geta, normal geta or zori (Geiko Kikutsuru is wearing special geta that prevent socks from getting wet from the snow). In case of Geiko Kikune and Geiko Kikumaru, they both wore senryou geta for the photoshot.

Maiko Kikushino

In the first month of 2022, Maiko Kikushino san is wearing black hikizuri made in a shibori style.  Kimono, that are created in this style are extremely expensive as it takes months to complete one piece (shibori is a Japanese tie-dying technique, using a variety of techniques in different shapes to make different patterns. Shibori technique dates from the 8th century. Amazing!). 

The kimono is tied with a green obi, that has golden geometrical design. The green on the obi goes beautifully with the green of the undergarment as well as green elements in the hanakanzashi. 

The Seasonal kanzashi for seniors most often feature pine, bamboo and plums in more subtle, pinkish and beige colors than worn by Juniors.

Maiko Kikuyae

For January Maiko Kikuyae san is wearing black and red hikizuri, made in shibori style (same style as her neesan Kikune). The the golden darari obi goes really nice with the hikizuri! 

Her eri is also different from her neesan, Maiko Kikushino - some white elements embroidered on the red background symbolizes that she's still a "baby" and a junior Maiko.

As for the hairstyle, it is called Wareshinobu and is decorated with special seasonal kanzashi - Sho Chiku Bai (pine, bamboo and plum).

Kago is red, with Maiko Kikuyae's name sewn on it. This special kago was given as a present on the day of her Misedashi.

As Junior Maiko, Maiko Kikune is wearing high okobo but with red stripes

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